Celeste Carrillo, PhD - Academic Education

Institution: International University of Professional Studies - Hawaii, USA

Degree / Education: Doctor of Philosophy in Somatic and Spiritual Psychology - Year: 2022

Degree / Education: Master of Arts in Somatic and Spiritual Psychology - Year: 2020

Subjects studied

Somatic and Spiritual Psychology focusing on the following areas:

Institution: Fundación Vocación Humana - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Formación para la Vocación Humana- Year: 2021 - to present

Subjects studied

Institution: Instituto de Cuerpo y Sexualidad - Barcelona, Spain

Degree / Education: Specialized Education in Somatic Sexuality - Year: 2022/2023

Institution: Somatic Experiencing Australia - Australia

Degree / Education: NeuroAffective Touch Foundation Training. - Year: 2021

Subjects studied

Institution: Mind Beyond Institute - Australia

Degree / Education: The Rhythm of Regulation - Polyvagal Theory with Deb Dana – Foundation I Year: 2020

Subjects studied

Foundations of Polyvagal Informed Practice

Institution: Institute of Somatic Sexology - Brisbane, Australia

Degree / Education: Introductory Certificate in Embodied Counselling. - Year: 2019

Subjects studied

Somatic psychology and bodymind therapy. Main Forces in Psychotherapy that Precede Somatic Approaches. Embodied Practices and Processes. Embodied Counselling Theories. Embodiment in Psychology. Embodied Counselling Skills. The neurobiology of emotion, relationships and trauma. Somatic approaches to trauma. Practice with Volunteers.

Further study in “Embodied Counselling Professional Development and Supervision Group”.

Institution: Ady Yoga / Yogestalt - Ricardo Risso Patrón. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Degree / Education: Yoga teacher training - Year: 2012 - 2019

Subjects studied

Yogestalt is a somatic practice based on pre-classic Yoga and Gestalt Therapy.

Practice and theory of Yoga techniques( Mudrá, Pújá, Mantra, Pránáyáma, Kriyá, Asana, Yoganidrá, Dhyana). Yoga Pedagogy and methodology. A historical vision of Yoga & Yoga in relation to other philosophies of India. Introduction to the classic texts of Yoga. Basic notions of anatomy and physiology. The Samkhya philosophy. The Védanta philosophy. The Brahmácharya point of view. The point of view of Tantra. Maithuna, sexuality and the union of Shiva and Shakti. Kundaliní, chakras, nadís and koshas. Study and contemplation of the Yoga Sútra of Patañjali. Yogestalt: a different point of view. Yoga and Gestalt Therapy. Fundamentals of Gestalt therapy. Deepening the contact with the present moment through embodied practices. The presence of opposites in Yoga and Gestalt therapy.

Institution: European Rolfing Association - Munich, Germany

Degree / Education: Certified Rolfer - Year: 2014 - 2015

Subjects studied

Anatomy, Patterns recognition and body reading, Tissue manipulation and Quality of Touch, Somatic Movement, Contact and therapeutic relationship with clients.

Institution: Fundación de Salud Ayurveda Prema - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Degree / Education: Ayurveda & Health - Year: 2012 - 2013

Subjects studied

Introduction to Ayurveda Philosophical Bases. Ayurveda in India and in the World. Body & Mental Constitution. Diagnosis of Ayurvedic imbalance. Ayurvedic medicinal plants. Balancing the doshas. Anatomy and physiology from Ayurveda (Agni & Ama). Ayurvedic Nutrition. Pranayama Techniques. Yoga and Ayurveda. Meditation.

Institution: Yoga Kai - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Degree / Education: Yoga teacher training - Year: 2011-2012

Subjects studied

Yoga classical Asanas. How to teach. When and how to modify asanas. Pranayama. Bandhas and Kriyas. Meditation. Kundalini Yoga (Awakening of the Kundalini shakti. 3 Main nadis. Seven chakras) Anatomy and Physiology. Diet, Nutrition & Ayurveda. Yoga Philosophy. Techniques for teaching (Correction and guidance techniques. Communication techniques. Structuring and planning classes & workshops. Ethical guidelines for a yoga teacher. Running your own yoga school)

Institution: Instituto Argentino de Flores de Bach - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Degree / Education: Bach Remedy Flowers Practitioner - Year: 2011

Subjects studied

Institution: Universidad de Mendoza - Engineering - Mendoza, Argentina

Degree / Education: Degree in Systems Analysis - Year: 2008

Institution: Several Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki masters - Mendoza and Buenos Aires, Argentina

Degree / Education: Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master

Year: Level I 2002 - Level II 2007 - Advanced: 2010 - Master: 2011.


How to work with Shame

National Institute for the Clinical - Year: 2018

Energy training courses

Kenneth Ray Stubbs - Year: 2019 - to present

Resistance is not a problem

Dr Karen Baikie - Sydney, Australia - Year: 2018

Introduction to Internal Family Systems Model Workshop

Simon D’Orsogna - Sydney, Australia - Year: 2018

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises Training Workshop

Richmond Heath - Sydney, Australia - Year: 2018

Jung and Alchemy

The University Of Sydney - Sydney, Australia - Year: 2017

CPR & First Aid

CDB College - Sydney, Australia - Year: 2016 / 2017 / 2018