Movement and Sound Stillness and Silence

Photo by DS stories

Today we propose a somewhat different exploration from the usual ones. On this occasion, we are going to use movement and sound as means to cultivate a state of stillness and silence within ourselves. It sounds a bit contradictory, doesn’t it? However, many times we cannot find silence and stillness for the simple reason that within us, there is a need to move and express ourselves through sound that we haven’t managed to satisfy yet.

That’s why today we invite you to play a bit with movement, with your breath, and with sounds; to experience the contrast between moments of calm and stillness, and moments of increased activity, to see what emerges and how your internal experience changes.

As always, we remind you that since this is unsupervised work, it is essential to respect your own limits, times, and natural rhythms. Don’t push yourself or go beyond what feels comfortable for you. If you realize that you need additional support while exploring, or if you want to delve deeper into these practices, or join one of our exploration groups, subscribe to our newsletter to receive more information.

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