Name it to tame it

Photo by Nik

In the brain, naming an emotion can help calm it. Here is where finding words to label an internal experience becomes really helpful. We can call this “Name it to tame it”… Your inner sea and your interpersonal relationships will all benefit from naming what is going on and bringing more integration into your life. Daniel J. Siegel, Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain

Let’s begin? I invite you to take a full, nurturing, rich breath, and as you let the air flow out effortlessly, bring your attention to what you’re noticing in your body at this moment: it could be an emotion, a physical sensation, an impulse towards doing… whatever it is, intend to find words to describe it - not explain or justify it, but describe it:

  • Where is it in your body?
  • What does it feel like?
  • What words can you put around it?

Take as much time as you need to name what you’re noticing. And then take a few more deep breaths and repeat the process one more time:

Aim your awareness to what you’re noticing in your body, around your thoughts, or emotions, and whatever it is, intend to find one or two words to describe it (don’t go into the story around it, just describe it). Again take time.

  • Where is it in your body?
  • What does it feel like?
  • What words can you put around it?

When you’re feeling complete, take one more full breath in, and then notice how your experience of the present moment has shifted.

Has anything changed for you? How is it helpful to pause for a moment and notice what’s happening for you? We hope you can bring this practice into everyday moments.

Whenever you find yourself feeling too overwhelmed and when it’s difficult to process your inner world, come back to this and name it to tame it.

As always, please remember that to have a safe experience as you go through this unsupervised work, it is essential to be mindful of and respect your own limits, times and natural rhythms. Don’t push yourself or go beyond what is comfortable or feels right for you. If you require additional support or want to deepen these practices drop me a message at You can also subscribe to our newsletter to receive new resources and explorations.

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