What Connects You to the Joy of Living?

Photo by Anna Shvets

What do you do to motivate yourself… to enjoy… to remind yourself that you can have a fulfilling and meaningful life?

And how often do you do it? How often do you take the time just to do something that brings you joy… something without demands, expectations, or outcomes but something for your own enjoyment?

Sometimes it seems like we get lost in all the noise, the routines, the demands, and the expectations, and we forget that we can enjoy, that we are free to create a life in which there is space for happiness, fulfillment, and pleasure. Cultivating that connection with the joy of living is a choice that we are free to make or ignore. It is a skill that, if cultivated every day, can make our life wonderful.

Today, I invite you to consider a very simple way to visualize how this joy of living is moving through your life, and thus understand which areas to nurture, which ones have been forgotten, and which ones are already available for you to enjoy.

To begin, let’s consider two complementary directions in which this energy of joy and well-being flows: outward and inward. So, what does this mean? It means that this energy can move towards you and towards your inner self or it can move from you towards other people or towards your connection with something greater than yourself. The following image will help you visualize these directions more clearly:

Diagram of movement directions

Image with person at the centre and four arrows

Towards the Higher (vertical arrow going up from person):

  • Connecting with something greater than myself…
  • What do I feel a part of?
  • What is my purpose?
  • What gives meaning to my life?

Towards myself (horizontal arrow pointing person):

  • Receiving from others…
  • What gifts am I allowing myself to receive?

From myself (horizontal arrow pointing outwards from person):

  • Offering to others…
  • What gifts can I give to the world?
  • How can I offer joy?

Towards the Deep (vertical arrow pointing from below towards person):

  • Connecting with myself…
  • Accepting and celebrating who I am.
  • What do I need?
  • What makes me come alive?

Some examples of that energy of joy, connection, and enjoyment moving towards you and towards your inner self would be:

  • Receiving a gift, a caress, a word of encouragement, or a gesture of love. → The action is performed by another person and has an effect on you.
  • Speaking to yourself with compassion and love, giving yourself time for your favorite activity, allowing yourself to rest, listening to your own desires, and finding ways to satisfy them. → The action is performed by you and has an effect on you.

Similarly, examples of that energy of joy, connection, and enjoyment moving from you towards other people or towards your connection with something greater than yourself would be:

  • Giving a gift, helping someone, sharing good news or making a compliment. → The action is performed by you and has an effect on other people.
  • Making space in your life to explore and connect with what gives you a sense of meaning and purpose, with your essence, or with something larger of which you feel part. → The action is performed by you and has an effect on you.

Using the previous image as a guide, I invite you to reflect on how this energy of well-being, joy, and connection moves in your life. Is there a predominant direction? Perhaps you have the feeling that there are somewhat forgotten areas or paths that have been less explored… What are you cultivating in yourself and bringing into the world?

Something as simple as this tool can help you cultivate balance and allow that energy of well-being and joy to fill your life. As a participant in our Somatic Explorations group reflected:

It’s incredible how much well-being can change day by day with such simple exercises.

The tool is within your reach. Don’t wait any longer and start using it today!

Write to us at hello@desajustecreativo.com and tell us how it goes.

Please remember that as this is unsupervised work, it is essential to respect your own limits, time, and natural rhythms.

Continue exploring